

Dec 10, 2018

SLI Awards in 2018: Projects to Stop Violence against Women and to Improve Medical Injury Responses

The Sylff Association Secretariat is pleased to announce that two fellows have been selected for a Sylff Leadership Initiatives (SLI) award in 2018. SLI supports Sylff fellows’ initiatives to change society for the better with awards of up to US$10,000. 

Chosen from among many applicants were Tayseer Abu Odeh, assistant professor at Arab Open University in Jordan, and Jennifer Moore, senior lecturer and law specialist at the University of New South Wales in Australia.

Using his professional knowledge and network, Abu Odeh will organize a forum in Jordan, inviting many influential figures in his home country, to develop various measures to stop violence against women.

Moore will develop a questionnaire to evaluate how health organizations are meeting the needs of patients and their families after a medical injury. By use of the questionnaire, her project tries to promote non-litigation approaches to a medical injury, which, Moore feels, tend to lead to much happier forms of resolution.

The Sylff Association Secretariat lauds the time and effort that fellows have invested to turn good ideas into tangible projects. Congratulations to both recipients on winning the award. The two projects will be carried out over the next year, and reports will be posted on this website.

We are looking forward to supporting many more social initiatives that can lead to positive changes in society.