

Dec 19, 2012

Sylff News 2012


Our Sylff support programs are being enhanced. The first awardees under the renewed Sylff Research Abroad program were announced in March, and 27 fellows used the award to conduct research for their dissertations. Ten more fellows were named in September. The reports written by the recipients can be read here. We are planning to launch additional programs in 2013 to encourage social initiatives. We look forward to receiving your applications in 2013!



Universities that celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their Sylff programs in 2012 included the American University in Cairo (Egypt), Jagellonian University (Poland), and El Colegio de México (México).

Many Sylff fellows sent news of their activities: Helena Tužinská published English translations of reports to protect the rights of immigrants; Kamei Aphun convened an international seminar on North East India; Merewalesi Nailatikau was appointed UNICEF Ambassador for the Pacific Islands; the Sylff fellows’association of the University of Deusto in Spain published a book on the global financial crisis; Sylff Prize Winner Goran Svilanovicoffered a video message; Sylff fellows at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna held a mini concert; Dorjkhuu Otgontuya spoke at an international conference on productivity and sustainable development; Itamar Zorman, winner of the 2011 International Tchaikovsky Competition, performed as a solo violinist in Tokyo; Egla Martínez Salazar published a book on the persecution of indigenous peoples in Guatemala; Ekaterina Frolova won the Grand Prix at the Osaka Music Competition; Hisayo Katsui published a book on the human rights of Ugandan women with disabilities; and Yusuke Tanaka, Keiti da Rocha Gomes, Bryan M. Thompson , Linda Richards , and Dimithri Devinda Jayagoda contributed articles to “Voices from the Sylff community.”



We were delighted to welcome many members of the Sylff community to our office in Tokyo this year. Articles detailing the visits can be accessed by clicking on the names/links below. We hope to welcome many more visitors in 2013, so please be sure to contact us when you have plans to visit Tokyo!

Koichi Hamada (Tuntex Professor Emeritus of Economics, Yale University, United States), Michael Frazier (Associate Professor, Howard University, United States), Ekhleif Tarawneh (President, University of Jordan, Jordan), Uwe Vollmer (Professor, Institute for Theoretical Economics, University of Leipzig, Germany), Marcin Grabowski (Assistant Professor, School of International Relations and Politics, Jagiellonian University, Poland), Takeo Hoshi (then Professor, School of International Relations & Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego), and Ulrike Schaede (Professor of Japanese Business, IR/PS, UCSD, United States).



The Tokyo Foundation organized a memorable week of workshops and concerts in August 2012 that brought hope and courage to areas devastated by the March 2011earthquake and tsunami. Participating in the project as members of the Sylff Chamber Ensemble were Barli Nugent, Merideth Hite, Moran Katz, Dylan Corlay , Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach , Marie Collemare , Panju Kim, Dietmar Nigsch, and David Panzl ; Sylff fellow Simon Hutchinson volunteered as a coordinator and interpreter. An article on the Suntory Hall concern was carried in the August 30, 2012, issue of the Japan Times.