

Andriyati Rahayu

University of Indonesia

Received Sylff fellowship in 2007.
Academic supervisor: Dr. Ninie Susanti
Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives:

1. 2014 . Knowledge Enhancement For The Sites Keeper in Muaro Jambi”. Funded By DRPM UI (Directorate Research and Community engagement Universitas Indonesia).  (with Dr. Ninie Susanti).
2. 2014. Inscription and memory : Museum Program for the Alzheimer’s.” Funded By DRPM UI (Directorate Research and Community engagement Universitas Indonesia). (with Ajeng Ayu Arainikasih, M.Arts)

Current affiliation: Dept. of Archeology, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia

Andriyati Rahayu, pursued her doctoral degree in Universitas Indonesia, her dissertation is about  Religious Community in Late Majapahit Era. She is currently chief of undergraduate program in Dept. of Archeology , Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia.  she also did some research projects and community engagement projects funded by the faculty and the university.  Some of her researches are;

1.  2018 “Construction of Community’s View on Artifacts, Buildings, Features, and Region of the Remains of the Dutch Colonial Coal Mine in Sawahlunto”. Funded By Faculty of Humantities , Universitas Indonesia. Co Principal Investigator  (with Dr. Ninie Susanti  as Principal Investigator (PI) and Prof. Dr.Susanto Zuhdi)
2. 2018  “Landmark Re-articulation of Sumenep as Salt City:  a Toponymy and Archaeological Study.”  Funded By Faculty of Humantities , Universitas Indonesia. Principal Investigator (with Nurni Wuryandari, Phd , Ninie Susanti ,Multamia Lauder,  and Sri Munawarah)
3. 2018 “Narration of Life in the Past by means of Museum Collections.”  Principal Investigator  Funded By DRPM UI (Directorate Research and Community engagement Universitas Indonesia). (with Dr. Kresno Yulianto and Dian Sulistyowati, M.Hum)
4. 2017 “Cultural Articulation by way of Street Names in Yogyakarta.” Funded By Faculty of Humantities , Universitas Indonesia. Co Principal Investigator  (with Nurni Wuryandari, Phd (PI), Dr. Ninie Susanti ,Prof. Dr. Multamia Lauder, and Sri Munawarah).
5. 2016 “Track Record of Settlement Relocation in Jakarta: a Toponymy Study at Kalijodo Area, Kampung Pulo.” Funded By Faculty of Humantities, Universitas Indonesia. Co Principal Investigator  (with Dr. Ninie Susanti (PI) Nurni Wuryandari, Phd,,Prof. Dr. Multamia Lauder,  Sri Munawarah).
6. 2016 “Deciphering and Translating Stone Inscriptions in National Museum of Indonesia.” Funded By National Museum of Indonesia. Co Principal Investigator  (with Tri gangga (PI), Dr. Ninie Susanti, Hasan Djafar, and Fifia Wardhani).
7. 2015  “Deciphering and Translating Stone Inscriptions in National Museum of Indonesia”. Funded By National Museum of Indonesia. Co Principal Investigator  (with Tri gangga (PI), Ninie Susanti, Hasan Djafar, and Fifia Wardhani).
8. 2014 “Deciphering and Translating Stone Inscriptions in National Museum of Indonesia”. Funded By National Museum of Indonesia. Co Principal Investigator  (with Tri gangga (PI), Dr. Ninie Susanti, Hasan Djafar, and Fifia Wardhani).
9. 2013 “Stamped ring of ancient java: Comparative studies”. Funded By Faculty of Humantities, Universitas Indonesia. Co Principal Investigator  (with Dr. Ninie Susanti, (PI) and Prof..Dr. Arlo Griffiths).
10. 2013 “Conception about mountain in Central Java province and its actualization in present time”. Funded By Dikti (Directorate of Indonesia higher education). Co Principal Investigator  (with Prof. Dr. Agus Aris Munandar(PI), Dr. Nini Susanti, and Diding Fachruddin, M.A).
11. 2012 “Conception about mountain in Central Java province and its actualization in present time”. Funded By Dikti (Directorate of Indoensia higher education). Co Principal Investigator  (with Prof. Dr. Agus Aris Munandar(PI), Dr. Nini Susanti, and Diding Fachruddin, M.A).
12. 2011 “Function of Ancient Bathing Place in Java”. Funded By DRPM UI (Directorate Research and Community engagement Universitas Indonesia). Co Principal Investigator  (with Dr. Ninie Susanti (PI), Prof. Dr. Agus Aris Munandar, and Dian Sulistyowati).
13. 2010 “Food Diversification stated in ancient Javanese manuscript”. Funded By DRPM UI (Directorate Research and Community engagement Universitas Indonesia). Co Principal Investigator  (with Dr. Ninie Susanti (PI), and Agung Kriswanto , S. S.)
14. 2010 “Sacred Ancient Sundanese Buildings”. Funded By DRPM UI (Directorate Research and Community engagement Universitas Indonesia). Co Principal Investigator  (with Prof. Dr. Agus Aris Munandar (PI), Diding Fachruddin.M.A, M. Hum, and Ahmad Sujai , M.A.).
15. 2010 “Environmental management in ancient Java “.Funded By DRPM UI (Directorate Research and Community engagement Universitas Indonesia). Principal Investigator (with Dian Sulistyowati, M. Hum., and Ajeng Arainikasih, M.Arts).

To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).