

Lais Santos Belini

University of São Paulo

Received Sylff fellowship in 2018.
Academic supervisor: Alexandre Ratsuo Uehara

Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives:
Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from the Faculty of Campinas, Master's Degree in Language, Literature and Japanese Culture by the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo. She also contributes to Greenpeace and goes to the children's hospital with cancer in Campinas to cheer them up for a day, dressed as a princess.

Current affiliation: University of Sao Paulo and researcher at the NUPRI/GEASIA, at University of Sao Paulo.

Lais Santos Belini graduated in international relations at “Faculdade de Campinas” (FACAMP). After working at sales, marketing, teaching and other areas,she decided to devote herself fully to a master degree in Language, Literature and Japanese Culture at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of the “Universidade de São Paulo” (USP). Her studies focused on Japanese cultural diplomacy (soft power, nation branding and constructivism) and it's relationship to the improvement of Japan's image to East Asian countries, such as China and South Korea.

To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).