

Michaela Honelová

Charles University

Received Sylff fellowship in 2022, 2023
Academic supervisor: Mgr. Lucie Vidovićová, Ph.D.
Current affiliation: PhD Longevity Studies, Faculty of Humanities

Michaela is a doctoral student in the program of Longevity studies with a focus on sociology. In her project, she works on the topic of aesthetic surgeries as a part of the social construction of age and aging in the Czech context. Her research interest is the so-called "path" that leads a woman to undergo anti-aging surgery. With this work, she would like to contribute to the sociological debate on the functioning of power in medicine and society. Currently, besides the topic of anti-ageing, she is also interested in the issue of gender and gender inequality in society.


To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).