

Jul 1, 2013

Sylff@Tokyo with INSEAD fellow

Warren, third from left, with the Tokyo Foundation program officers

Warren, third from left, with the Tokyo Foundation program officers

Warren Ang, a Sylff fellow at INSEAD visited the Tokyo Foundation on June 17, after having just completed the prestigious, intensive one-year MBA program at the global business school. He was in Japan for a short break before taking on his next challenge.

Warren said he is poised to dedicate his career to supporting the development of indigenous leaders, particularly in developing nations. At INSEAD, he developed his skills in business strategy and personal and organizational development, and he also built relationships with students from all over the world sharing a similar passion.

After graduation, he will join a consulting firm dedicated to global development whose mission is to mobilize effective responses to the world’s most pressing issues and to raise living standards in developing countries.

The Tokyo Foundation is delighted that the Sylff program has been able to support Warren’s ambitions to bring about changes for a better society

Sylff fellows and steering committee members are always welcome to stop by the Foundation’s office while visiting Tokyo.