

Andrejs Gusacenko*

University of Latvia


Received Sylff fellowship in 2019.
FR: University of Latvia
TO: The Hoover Institution Library & Archives, and Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture (USA)

Current affiliation: Institute of History of Latvia at the University of Latvia. Position: Scientific assistant
Academic supervisor: Dr. hist. Professor Eriks Jekabsons (University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy)

Published scientific articles:
1. The Activities of “Russian Monarchists” in the Documentation of the Latvian Political Police Department (1920–1940): specific characteristics of the source" // Modern History of Russia. St. Petersburg: State University of St. Petersburg, 2020. Indexed in SCOPUS and Web Of Science
2. Krievu pretboļševiku kustības “monarhisma” mīts Latvijas Republikā 1920.–1940.g. // Žurnāls Vēsture. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2019
3. The Social activities of Russian youth movements in the Republic of Latvia (1920-1940) // Dialogue with time. Moscow: Insitute of World History at Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019 Indexed in SCOPUS and Web Of Science
4. Latvijas Neatkarības karš krievu iedzīvotāju skatījumā 1919. gada pirmajā pusē. // Latvijas Vēstures instutūta žurnāls 2019 (1). Rīga: LU: LVI, 2019
5. Воспоминания протоиерея Владимира Блазмы // Православие в Балтии Nr.8 (17), Rīga: LU, FSI, 2018
6. Анна Гарклава жизнь православночо латышского прихода в г. Лимбажи в 1944 - 1964 гг. // Православие в Балтии, Nr. 7 (16). Rīga: LU: FSI, 2018
7. История храма в честь иконы “Всех скорбящих Радосте” в г. Рига // Православие в Балтии, Nr. 7 (16). Rīga: LU: FSI, 2018
8. Krievu minoritāte un “Sokol” organizāciju darbība starpkaru Latvijā. // Jauno vēsturnieku zinātniskie lasījumi. Nr. 2. Rīga: LU LVI, 2017
9. “Sokol” organizāciju darbība starpkaru periodā Latvijā // Latvijas Universitātes Žurnāls “Vēsture”, Nr. 3 (98). Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2017
10. Деятельность сокольских организаций в межвоенной Латвии // Новый Журнал (The New Review), Nr. 287. New York: Новый журнал, 2017
11. “Сокольство”, “скаутизм” и русская эмиграция в довоенной Латвии. // Берега, Nr. 21.. Санкт-Петербург: Центр Русская эмиграция, 2017
12. Движение “Сокол” в контексте русской эмиграции в Латвии в 20-30-х годах ХХ века. // Вопросы исторической науки (IV). Москва: Молодой ученый, 2016

Approved upcoming publications
1. Krievu militārie formējumi Latvijā 1919. g. maija-jūlijā. // Latvijas Kara muzeja gadagrāmata. Rīga, 2020
2. Благотворительная деятельность русских молодежных движений в Латвийской Республике в 20–30-х гг. ХХ века // ЭНОЖ. (Indexed in SCOPUS and Web Of Science) Moscow, 2020.
3. Emergence and Restoration of the State: Latvia in 1918 and 1990 // Baltic Journal of European Studies. (Indexed in SCOPUS and Web Of Science). Tallinn, 2020
4. Pretboļseviku izpausmes Latvijā 1927. gadā: Vitālija Aderkasa gadījums // Latvijas Arhīvi. Rīga, 2020
5. Русские вооруженные формирования в Войне за независимость Латвии // Новый Часовой. Москва, 2020
6. Baltie, sarkanie un zaļie: krievu pretboļševiku kustības sākums Latvijā // Domuzīme. Rīga, 2020.

c. Similar research activities prior to start of doctoral program
All mentioned publications, until 2017, participation in scientific conferences and Master Thesis: “Sokol” organizāciju darbība Latvijā (1928.-1940.g.)

Besides the academical goals, my career objectives and activities also have a missionary shade. Due to the historical and political reasons as well as the negative heritage of the Soviet occupation, which in Latvian Historical memory was directly linked to Russians, the history of the Russian diaspora in Latvia until 1940 often has been perceived in a deformed way, often without paying attention to completely different cultural, social, political aspects of the Russian diaspora, who had no links to Communism or the USSR. Even contrary - the main attitude of the Russian intelligentsia in Latvia was aimed against Communism and Bolshevism, their national identity was completely different from the identity of Russians living in the USSR.
Nowadays it has experienced even worse deformation due to the informational propaganda of the Russian Federation and certain political forces in Latvia, which unfortunately has fruitful soil in Latvia, especially among the Russians who came to Latvia during the Soviet occupation. It caused complicated problems of the national identity of local Russians, which linked themselves to the discourse of Soviet or Post-Soviet Russia, not to the centuries old-traditions and national identity of Russians in Latvia.
In my opinion, consequently arranged scientific researches, popular-scientific activities in conjunction with similar activities of other like-minded persons could not just change the perception of certain historical happenings and manifestations by the local Russian community, but also minimize the gap of confrontations in between the Latvian and Russian speaking societies, thus becoming one of the factors of stable democratic statehood.
For that purpose, I am actively involved in such activities as public lectures, round table debates of discussion panels, analytical radio broadcasts, articles in popular journals, magazines, newspapers etc. During the last two years I have collected the data and resource from the two above-mentioned USA archives in the following science popular events oriented on the education of the society::

1) “In the way of Terror”. Russian White Emigration in Interwar Latvia. Soviet repressions of the Russian minority in Latvia, “Terora ceļā”. Baltā emigrācija starpkaru Latvijā un represijas pret Latvijas krievu iedzīvotājiem 1940.-1941.g. 2019
2) “Lieven’s Squad”, “Russian Nortwestern Army”. Publications in The National Encyclopaedia of Latvia (Web version), “Liepājas brīvprātīgo strēlnieku vienība”, “Krievijas Ziemeļrietumu armija”, 2019
3) Latvia was a significant place for Russian emigres during the Interwar period. Interview for Polish analytical journal. Łotwa była dla emigrantów rosyjskich ważną przystanią.“Przegląd Bałtycki”, 2019
4) “The Crusade of knyaz Lieven against Bolsheviks”. Popular-scientific publication. Journal Ilustrētā Pasaules Vēsture. Kņaza Līvena krusta gājiens pret boļševikiem, 2019.
5) White Russian factor in The Latvian War of Independence. Interview at Latvijas Radio 1.
“Baltie krievi” Latvijas Neatkarības karā. “Neatkarības karš. 1919”, 2019
6) Latvians in their neighbours, and neighbours in Latvians. Latvieši kaimiņos un kaimiņi latviešos. Discussion panel. Conversation festival LAMPA, 2019
7) “Latvian Statehood and Russians”. Interview for newspaper “Latvijas Avīze”. Latvijas valstiskums un krievi. Saruna ar vēsturnieku Andreju Gusačenko. Latvijas Avīze, 2018
8) “Russian emigres in Interwar Latvia”. Interview at Latvijas Radio 4. Русская эмиграция в межвоенной Латвии. Aleksandr Studio, Latvijas Radio 4, 2018

Planned SRA activities: The Anti-Bolshevik organizations in Latvia were the branches of centers, based in Western, Central Europe and in the Balcan countries. Due to the international context of the movement, the information concerning activities of the specific Latvia-based organizations is available in the documentation of the main centers of the movement. It had been collected and stored in the Hoover Institution Library & Archives and the Bakhmeteff Archive of Russian and East European History and Culture. Both archives are situated in the USA. As the movement was linked to the cultural and social phenomenon of “Russia abroad”, with ideological, missionary and even mental peculiarities, which are reflected in literature and philosophy, interdisciplinary research should be conducted as well and could be achieved by the scientific approach of the Annales school. As concerning historical, narrative, chronological and comparative methods of the research which must be used for the successful collection, editing, and integration of the materials into the Doctoral Thesis. The documents of both archives will provide a considerable investment into the Thesis. The materials of the Hoover and Bakhmetyev archives, concerning the Russian Anti-Bolshevik movement have never been reflected in Latvian historiography and no Latvian scholar has ever visited the Bakhmetyev archive, thus such information could make the Doctoral Thesis unique and enrich Latvian historiography as well.

To contact this fellow, email the Sylff Association at sylff[a] (replace [a] with @).