

Dede Setiono

University of Oregon

Received Sylff fellowship in 2023
Academic supervisor: Dr. Edward P. Weber
Current affiliation: Oregon State University

Dede Setiono is a Ph.D. Candidate at the School of Public Policy, Oregon State University. His research focuses on Collaborative Governance, International Development, and Education Policy. Before embarking on his doctoral studies, he worked as an Administrator at the Institute of Research and Community Empowerment at the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta. In this position, he was part of the team managing the development and execution of research programs that aimed to empower communities through education, capacity-building, and socioeconomic initiatives. Following his work at the university, Dede served as a public official for the central government of Indonesia at the Directorate of Islamic Higher Education, which administer 943 higher educational institutions, both public and private. Dede is also a recipient of the Fulbright Doctoral Degree Scholarship from the US Department of State, Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund from the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, KOICA CIAT Global Fellowship Program from Korea International Cooperation Agency, and POSCO Asia Fellowship from POSCO TJ Park Foundation. 


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