Fellowship received in 2020 and 2021
Academic supervisor: PhDr. Kryštof Kozák
Academic achievements, social engagement initiatives: Main author of the Methodology for the Use of Forecasting Tournaments in Public Policy-making; Co-author of the VÝME Methodology for the Identification of Global Megatrends.
Current affiliation: Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague
During my M.A. studies at the Charles University, I have co-founded, incubated and lead the Czech Association for Effective Altruism, which grew into a self-sustainable NGO. In my Ph.D. studies, I have completed a Fulbright program at the Center for Study of Public Choice in Washington D.C. Since 2018, I have been developing and leading the non-profit organization České priority z.ú., which helps to promote Evidence-based policymaking in the country by both conducting own applied research (especially in foresight) and doing a ground work with local public institutions.