

Message regarding COVID-19 for LANS Participants and Potential Applicants

Current Participants of Local Association Networking Support (LANS)

If the current situation prevents you from completing your activities as proposed under LANS, either partially or entirely, please contact sylff[at] (replace [at] with @) to share details and discuss ways to deal with the situation.


If You Are Thinking of Applying for Local Association Networking Support (LANS)

A LANS application submitted after April 1, 2020, will be duly reviewed and accepted if it meets LANS requirements. However, LANS organizers may need to reschedule or cancel their plans during fiscal 2020. We will accommodate postponements of events up to March 31, 2022 (end of fiscal 2021). LANS organizers may retain the budget disbursed by the Secretariat up to this date, but we may need to reexamine the amount awarded to account for any changes in the number and locations of participants.